No. I couldn’t possibly be a blogaholic. I’ve only been blogging for a couple of weeks. I only have two work blogs and one in the outside world. You can’t develop an addiction that quickly, can you?
Yet the familiar signs are here. Not the amount of time or words that I commit to this new medium, but the fact that I seriously considered, yet again, spending a night away from my kids. In the end I probably won’t, my mother instinct will kick in at the last minute.
You see, the annual Irish blog awards are coming to a town near me on Saturday night. Galway is only an hour away. It would be awfully convenient. Except that I only see my kids at the week-end, so it’s basically a choice between a night with a bunch of nerds, pet lovers and mommy bloggers, and an evening on the couch head-to-toe with my daughter watching the newly released 2012. No contest.
I recognised that feeling of internal struggle though. Not so long ago, there was the first time in history when the Ultimate Fighting Championship came to Ireland. In the end I invited myself at my ex-mother-in-laws to watch it on satellite. Don’t try this at home. The embarrassment it not worth it. Curiously, around the same time I also considered flying away to a much more ladylike patchwork exhibition in France. There's patchwork, and then there's ultimate patchwork...
And so I know that my serially addictive personality hasn’t entered the fourth and final stage yet, the stage of full dependency, the one where the family breaks down…
Check out the Irish blog awards winners . The good thing is, you don't have to leave your seat.
Photo by Verena
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